Shopping Haul Amazing Deals at TJMaxx!

Hello, hello lovies, this blog post is for all my deal loving beauties! Oh my goodness I sure have snagged some amazing deals lately at TJMaxx, as some of you may have seen in my previous posts, the holiday months are the best times to buy beauty & makeup at discount stores, they get full stock of everything high end, it’s weird, it’s like they hold out all year, then go crazy, because they know people will buy higher priced beauty items for gifts. Well, let me tell you, this is when I spend like a mad woman, no joke, getting so many amazing deals, and stack up my beauty/makeup collection. This year was by far the best shopping deals, even in compared to last year! So as you can only imagine, after holidays, are just as awesome, because they put everything that didn’t sell on clearance! Yep, clearance, and they continue to mark down to get them sold, so now it’s February, so the clearance selection in stores are slowly selling, and dwindling, sad, I know. I keep looking, and searching for those deals on high end products, and feel like I have gotten some really great ones!! Definitely keep checking, because apparently, during the holidays they get trucks in for stock 7 days week, after the holidays they go back to normal schedule which is getting trucks in for stock 5 days a week. I never know when to go, or check, it’s all completely random, so who knows!! I am thankful for the awesome, amazing finds that I have found though, check them out below, please realize that this is just a haul blog post to show you what I have bought in the last month (yes I purchased them all at TJMaxx). I am constantly on the look out for great deals, p.s. I have a goodwill haul coming this week, so be sure to check back to check out what I have gotten, you will be amazed!! Love bargain hunting, and shopping, it’s all about the hunt, especially at these discount stores, like TJMaxx, Marshall’s, Ross, Home Goods, etc! I am wondering, have you gotten any great products from these stores lately? Or even better, any clearance? I wish you all the best of luck!! Here is what I was able to find, and purchased all at TJMaxx, I am super excited about  everything, and can’t wait to try everything out!! Happy Shopping everyone, go get those great deals!! Yes I had to take pictures of everything at 2 different times, the second one is with natural lighting, so if they aren’t the best pictures, I apologize, but it was the best I could do 🙂 Also, the top haul is REGULAR priced, the bottom haul are all CLEARANCE priced! Enjoy! Thanks for reading!!



Bare Minerals



Bobbi Brown

Laura Gellar


Make Up For Ever



11 thoughts on “Shopping Haul Amazing Deals at TJMaxx!

  1. Wow! I’ve seen a few of these at Winners (the Canadian version of TJMaxx) but I’ve had to pass on them because I don’t “need” any more makeup. Those Bobbi Brown palettes / sets are such amazing deals!

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